Submitted by: Abigail Aaronson
When you decide to have a breast enhancement procedure there are certain things that you should do both before the operation as well as following. Here we look at some pre and post helpers.
Breast enhancement essentially means improving the appearance of the breasts thanks to the work of a skilled plastic surgeon. There are certain things that it is important that you take under advisement before you book the date for your operation.
It is wise to meet with the cosmetic surgeon who will be performing the breast enhancement not just once but twice. If you meet on two occasions this will provide you with plenty of opportunity to review all of the details regarding the surgery as well as the opportunity for you to carefully contemplate your decision. You can also discuss relevant matters with the doctor such as the type of implant that will be used and the size of the implant.
You will experience some discomfort during the first couple of weeks following the breast enhancement procedure. For this reason you should go shopping before the big day and buy yourself a couple of cotton sports bra that do not contain underwire. These will be more comfortable than regular bras and you will be thankful that you have them.
Two weeks prior to the augmentation you should not take any products that contain aspirin in them. The same can be said for blood thinners, anti-inflammatories or vitamin E. The reason for this is because all of these medications thin the blood and can increase the potential for bleeding during and following surgery. One over-the-counter medication that is safe to take is Tylenol.
In the same way, two weeks (14 days) before your planned operation you should cease to consume any drugs that are alternative in nature, as well as herbal or natural. The same can be said for any diet pills. Stop taking them. For example if you take Siberian ginseng, ginkgo biloba or any other type of herbal supplement refrain from taking it until after your implant surgery is over and done with.
While the results of your breast enhancement will become plain to you very soon after the surgical procedure, many patients find that it takes as many as six to eight months to come to appreciate the change in both the feel as well as the appearance of their bosom. The operation may be declared a success but there are emotional changes to adjust to as well as physical ones. Do not push yourself but instead learn to love the new way your breasts look and feel to you gradually over time. There is no hurry for acceptance to occur.
Most patients are permitted to return to their regular exercise routine within two to three weeks after their enhancement has been done. This tends to vary from patient to patient. Always follow the instructions of your plastic surgeon as he/she knows best. The only exception to this is upper body weight training. You are not permitted to do any upper body weight training or any push-ups before six weeks. Doing so could cause the implants to move and to end up being pushed in an upwards direction. This could in turn necessitate a second surgery.
About the Author: In New Orleans, breast enhancement can help you stand out from the crowd. Find out more at
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